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Seonaidh in Ireland
Teaching in Ireland (2005)
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Glendolaugh, Ireland
Trungpa (young monk)
Ireland pilgrimage
Brian's shrine
Shrine room (Vermont)
Logo (blue)
Yeshe and Julia + Effie
Seonaidh and Bill (Maine-2017)
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Seonaidh in Ireland, 2000
Seonaidh teaching-Saxtons River-2001
Seonaidh and Peg at Glendolough-2001
Peg Junge-Glendolough-2001
Climb up Sugarloaf-County Wicklow
Peg Junge-Lineage Holder Ceremony-2003
Sampling the Guiness -County Wicklow
A walk in the forest- Killarney
At LoughCrew-2005
A Celtic Buddhist wedding
Group in Ireland - 2005
Sir Kenneth and Seonaidh
Three good friends
Beltaney circle,Ire.-Seonaidh drumming
Conch sounding-Glendolough
Erecting stone circle-Saxtons River, VT
Group at Glenstal Abbey, Ireland
Glenstal Abbey door
Seonaidh at Bowdoin College
Bill Burns-Lineage Holder ceremony
Shrine for a Celtic Buddhist wedding
Yeshe Tungpa talk at Karma Choling -June 2018
Yeshe talk at Karma Choling
Yeshe Tungpa in uniform
Peg and Bill at Lough Crew, Ireland, 2005